Opening hours and private visits

Public opening hours

The Reindeer Park is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 pm to 4 pm during the summer season (May-September) and from 12 pm to 3 pm during the winter season (October-April). No reservation is required during general opening hours.

Private booking / group booking

Private bookings are possible at other times. Group bookings must always be made in advance for a time other than the general opening hours. The Reindeer Park is not very large, so unfortunately, groups cannot fit inside at the same time. A private booking offers a more personalized experience, as there will be no other customers present besides your group. Pricing information is available further down on this page.

🦌 No reservation is required during general opening hours.

🦌 Tickets can be purchased on-site or in advance from our online store.

🦌 Approximately one hour is sufficient for a visit, as the venue is not very large.

🦌 The Reindeer Park is open year-round, regardless of weather conditions.

🐕 Dogs are not allowed in the Reindeer Park.

🌭 Outside food is not allowed at the Reindeer Park's hut during general opening hours. Snacks such as campfire sausages and drinks can be purchased on-site.

Public Opening Hours:

MAY-SEPTEMBER *summer season
Sat  1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Sun 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

OCTOBER-APRIL *winter season
Sat  12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Sun 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

In addition to normal opening hours on weekends:
Thu 26.12., 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Admission Fees: (card payment recommended)

OFFER: On Mother's Day 12.5.24, admission for moms -50% when purchasing on site.

25€ adult
10€ child (4-11 years), 0-3 free of charge
60€ family (2 adults + 2 children)
22,50€ with a student ID

25€ Amethyst Pass

The amethyst pass entitles you to dig for one domestic raw amethyst in the Reindeer Park's mining shed. An authenticity certificate is provided with the amethyst. Find your lucky stone!

Admission includes: Lichen for feeding the reindeer, campfire coffee (tea, juice), and cinnamon bun or roasting of stick buns over the fire in the cozy hut. Our staff will tell you about the reindeer.

Souvenir Shop: In our small shop, you can buy jewelry and items made from reindeer bone, among other things.

Buy tickets in advance from our SmaShop online store:

Private Booking

Private visits can be booked at times other than general opening hours, and private bookings must always be made for groups. Please inquire about availability well in advance:

A private visit offers a more personalized experience, as there will be no other customers present, and a guide or guides will be reserved only for your group.

No-show: Failure to attend a pre-booked visit does not entitle you to a refund.

The duration of a private booking is 1 hour and the price is:

180€ for 1-4 people
220€ for 5 people
260€ for 6 people
300€ for 7 people
340€ for 8 people
350 € for a maximum of 10 people. Additional persons: 35€ each

Includes: Lichen for feeding the reindeer, a guide who will tell you about the reindeer (in Finnish/English), campfire coffee (tea, juice), and cinnamon bun or roasting of stick buns over the fire in the cozy hut.

Contact Information: Nuuksio Reindeer Park Nuuksiontie 83, 02820 ESPOO

Arrival: We recommend using public transportation, suburban trains U, E, L from Helsinki to Espoon keskus, where you can take bus No. 245(A) to Nuuksio. The bus leaves from right next to the train tracks, platform 32.

There is limited parking at the Reindeer Park. The nearest larger parking lot is located at the Finnish Nature Centre Haltia, about 1 km before the Reindeer Park (Nuuksiontie 84). You can also park your car at the Safari House, about 300 m before the Reindeer Park (Nuuksiontie 77).

NOTE! Parking on private roads is strictly prohibited! Residents must have free access to their own plots, and snowplows must have access to plow private roads in winter.

Directions for arrival: